
SIMCOM OpenLinux platform (SIM7600 series)

  • ARM Cotex-A7 1.3GHz CPU and running OpenLinux operating system. Supporting SDIO for WLAN/SD Card/eMMC, External Ethernet PHY, UART, SPI, I2C, GPIOs, ADC.
  • IoT Gateways, Vehicle navigation, M2M.

Sierra Wireless Linux Platform (WP76xx / RC76xx Series)

  • Sierra Wireless Legato® Platform is a combination of a Linux-based OS distribution, BSP, customized development tools and robust APIs delivered through Platform Services enabling software development on IoT devices. The Legato Platform is designed to simplify connected IoT application development and is natively supported on the new generation of Sierra Wireless AirPrime Smart modules. Yocto embedded Linux.
  • IoT Gateways, Vehicle navigation, M2M.